How my partner helps me during my mood swing in pregnancy period
When I came to know I was going to be a mother for the first time, I still have goosebumps about it. The feeling was inexplicable, something heavenly, priceless. At that time, I had to go through many physical as well as psychological changes. I had pain in my body and anxiety and fear in my mind.
During the first three months of my pregnancy period, I had little taste in my mouth. But after that my appetite suddenly grew abnormally. I had to deal with morning sickness, sore back, and swelling in legs. Mood swing was a regular phenomenon. I tended to lose my temper out of nothing.
According to the doctor, the reason for this abrupt behavior was the hormonal change. But medication could do nothing. I have no shame to admit that I was very upset. At that time, my husband gave much needed mental support for me. I found him beside me all the time I needed.
At that time of pregnancy, sometimes I had an inferiority complex that I had lost the shape of my body and the grace as well as. My husband convinced me that was not the case. I was still beautiful- He reminded me that I was beautiful every day.
For the hormonal imbalance, most of the time I had a bad temper. I was advised to do some sort of exercise regularly. But I felt lethargic and did not feel the urge to do exercise. Then my partner started working out with me. With a partner, I found new motivation to keep myself fit. So I did not carry any extra fat.
But it was the mental support that mattered most. I had a demand for more attention from him than the normal time. It is quite hard to manage it always. I even lost my temper once or twice because of it. My husband tried his best to keep me calm at that time. If he did not keep his cool, maybe things could’ve gotten worse, who knows. He always listened to me very carefully and tried to solve any problem I had. This helped me immensely throughout the pregnancy period.
I obviously realize I was overreacting, but I could not control myself. But having a support system worked wonders. My husband and I went out on walks to the park whenever he found time, he constantly assured me that we will have a healthy baby. He gave me the vibe that he felt for me for the sufferings that I had to go through. Most importantly, he genuinely cared about it. As my delivery time neared, he managed to take leave from the office and really took a lot of care of me.
By the grace of Almighty, we now have a healthy daughter. I feel extremely lucky that during the whole journey of pregnancy I always got the affection and attention from my partner and family, which I needed most.