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QuestionsCategory: QuestionsMy baby is 4 weeks old. Initially, she wasn’t a fussy baby but since last week, she just won’t stop crying! She seems healthy, then why is it happening?
anonymous Staff asked 4 years ago

My baby is 4 weeks old. Initially, she wasn’t a fussy baby but since last week, she just won’t stop crying! She seems healthy, then why is it happening? 

2 Answers
alvi Staff answered 4 years ago

Most probably, you have a colic baby. But don’t be frightened, this is not a serious problem. Colic doesn’t have any apparent reason and the babies don’t face any problems either.

alvi Staff answered 4 years ago

As the previous answer pointed out, you may have a colicky baby. While it can be frustrating, there’s nothing much you can do about it. Just soothe her whenever she’s having crying bouts. Hopefully, it’ll stop when she becomes around 3 months old.

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