How can I keep my baby comfortable in summer
If somebody asks me, “As a mother, what is your biggest scare?” I would say managing my baby in summer time!! Summer is the worst time of the year for me because there are hundreds of extra things I have to worry about during this season in addition to all the other things I need to worry about as a mother! How to dress my baby, how to make her feel comfortable, how to feed her, when to take her outside, the list is never ending. So, I’m here for anyone who needs any help in managing their little ones during summer. Below are a few things I follow religiously to keep my little one calm and comfortable during the summer heat.
First thing I do is, I dress my baby according to the weather. I know, all mothers want to see their babies tiptop all the time, sometimes in fancy dresses. But During summer, I would advise not to dress the baby in heavy dresses if he/ she doesn’t feel comfortable. I always use cotton clothes on a typical summer day. There are a lot of cotton or natural fibre clothes available in the market for your baby, you just go and grab them. As I said, I prefer to keep my baby at home during daytime in summer. But if I have to have to take her out, I dress her with light colored cotton clothes. Full sleeve clothes also help to protect my baby from the sunrays but be sure that the clothes do not make your baby feel hot and the air is able to pass. Sometimes I use dark colored clothes in a night programme.
Another important thing I would like to address is how my baby can cope up with the temperature. Needless to say that babies are more vulnerable to heat than adults. UV rays can prove dangerous for babies. So when I take my baby outside, I use a stroller with a shade. Also I use a cotton sheet on the stroller so that she can enjoy a comfortable and sound sleep. If I have to bring her out from the stroller, I use a hat.There are a lot of fashionable hats available for babies, so I don’t miss taking a selfie with her whenever she is in one of her fancy hats. Another important thing in the simmer time is nappy management. Sometimes I try in a convenient time (probably in a time when my baby is generally awake and does not pee ) to let my baby without a nappy. I know, it’s difficult to manage a baby without nappy but on a very hot day she sweats right beside her nappies and even can have rashes. This is true for both cotton nappies as well as disposable diapers because with cotton nappies I tend to place a protective cover over them.
Another suggestion is, if you have a little crawler on your hands, and you don’t want him to roam around the house without a nappy on, you can let him be nappy free during his afternoon nap, as long as she doesn’t get disturbed and wake up if she wets himself. One thing that you cannot skip during summer is: Hydration. I keep myself remembering a rule: if I feel thirsty, my baby will feel thirsty too. Below six months, my baby was entirely dependent on breast milk. At that time, I did not need to provide her extra water. Now as she is growing up, she has started a lot of activities. That is why I feel like she needs that extra bit of hydration. On a summer day, I Try to breastfeed her as soon as she needs it and sometimes I slip in a few sips of water.
During summer another hazard I have to face is Mosquitoes. These little flying monsters cause some serious problems in summer . I always try to cover my girl in a mosquito net when she is sleeping.For bugs, there are bug sprays of natural ingredients in the market.
My husband and I also make sure that the air cooler is regularly cleaned. We also change water in coolers frequently to prevent breeding of mosquitoes and other insects there. Lastly, I keep my baby in a room where she can enjoy some sort of natural air circulation. Keeping my baby constantly in an air conditioner is an easy solution, but sometimes babies need their fair share of fresh air. So when the sun is out, I take her for a short stroll. I use the products for her skin care which are made of natural ingredients. This thing particularly should not be ignored because I want to use the best product that I can afford for my baby. I am sure you also want to do the same.