Which Season is the best fit for my Baby’s Day Out
As a mother, sometimes I have to face the dilemma: To take my baby out for a stroll or not? Sometimes I feel the urge to take my baby out for some fresh air. However, at times I wonder, if it will be too risky for my baby. Obviously one of my major concerns is weather, actually temperature. Season changes come with temperature change and it’s sometimes difficult for my baby to adjust. So I usually can’t take my baby out even if I want to because I stay too worried about what time of the year would be most suitable to take her for a nice day out.
If you ask my opinion, I would say spring is the best time to take her outside. The temperature is neither hot nor cold, and the chance of a sudden shower are very low. The average temperature is like 20-25°C so my daughter stays comfortable as well. Whenever I’m taking her out, I like making her wear light clothes in pale colours. She looks adorable in them and these also keep her comfortable and less irritable.
I try to keep my baby indoors as much as possible during the rainy season. The weather is very humid and my baby sweats a lot during this time. You see, It’s more difficult for them to cope with the increased humidity, so during these times, I try to ensure that my baby stays in an environment that can I can easily regulate. The biggest and most annoying thing about this season is the sudden appearance of showers. I can remember once I took my baby with me while I was out for some shopping and it suddenly started raining. I can’t even explain how helpless I was feeling at that point. There I was, at the main gate of Pink City, with my 9 month old, and it was raining like crazy. Thank God my husband was around to pick us up.
Summer is another time of the year when I prefer staying indoors with my baby. If my baby needs fresh air, I would like to go out very early in the morning or in the late afternoon when the intensity of the heat is lower. One thing I remember hearing from an expert is that we should never use sunscreen on our babies if they are under 6 months old. If I take my baby out in summer, I keep her in the shade and use a sun hat. When taking a walk or going to the park, I use a stroller with a shade and check to make sure direct sunlight doesn’t reach her. Even a little increase in temperature can make her face go red and make her feel bad. That is why I try ensuring that she is always well guarded from the heat.
Lastly, I like taking my daughter out during winter only if the sun is out and it’s only moderately chilly outside. In all other times, I try keeping my baby indoors as much as possible. My daughter doesn’t usually mind a stroll around the park as long as she’s properly covered.However, one thing I learnt is that babies are vulnerable to hypothermia and it can happen even in a moderate cold. That is why, I stay extra careful during this season.