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Baby Poop 101

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A baby’s stool can be a gateway to learn about your baby’s health. The baby’s stool can be signs of baby’s health. For example, it can tell if your baby is getting enough or too little milk, is dehydrated or is suffering from diarrhea or more severe illnesses. Your baby’s stool will be different from normal adult stool, and this can be a reason for you to not understand what’s normal and what’s not.

First Ever Bowel movement: Meconium
The first ever stool your baby passes is a black, greasy poop called meconium. It is sticky in consistency, almost greasy. Do not be alarmed to see this, as the baby is only passing the amniotic fluid and other substances ingested in the womb. Passing of meconium is a sign that your baby’s digestive system is working fine.

Bowel Movement in the First Week: Dark Green
After passing meconium in the first day, the baby’s digestive system goes through a transition. During this time the baby passes dark green stool. The second day the baby usually has two bowel movements. On the third day the baby has three bowel movements, and so on until around the fifth day.

Breastfed Babies: Runny, Grainy, Yellow, Green or Brown Poop
Healthy breastfed babies usually have bowel movements several times every day. Their stool is usually of mustard color and of runny consistency and smells sweet. There are small granules to be found in a breastfed baby’s stool. After around two months, the bowel movements of breastfed babies’ decrease in frequency, for example, they may poop twice a day. Some breastfed babies can go a few days without pooping and that is also considered normal.

Formula Fed Babies: Pasty Yellow or Brown Poop
Healthy formula fed babies usually pass stool less frequently than breastfed babies but they have larger bowel movements which are thicker in consistency. Their stool also has a more pungent smell.

Diarrhea: Runny, Mucus like, Greenish Stool
When the baby is suffering from diarrhea, he may have a blowout that goes up the back. The stool is usually greenish in color and will be more liquid than usual with mucus like consistency. If the baby gets diarrhea, contact your doctor as soon as possible as the baby may be dehydrated and may need immediate medical attention.




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