The right time and the right food for your toddler
In the first few months of baby’s life, you may have done things like– rocking or nursing the baby to sleep, or letting the car seat serve as an unofficial crib. But at 3 months, it’s time to help your baby develop a healthy sleep habit, such as making sure that naps happen in his regular sleeping place, whether it’s on the bed or crib. And when you put down your baby for bedtime or a nap, try not to rock or nurse the baby to sleep or the baby will be dependent on you for this comfort.
Schedule of sleeping and feeding for 7-9 months old:
7 months old can sleep throughout the night without waking up quite frequently. With 2 or 3 nap in a day, the baby now sleeps 14 hours on an average. Setting the bedtime at 7.30 pm and wake up time 7 am in the morning, the baby can get sufficient amount of sleep throughout the night. Additionally, the naps in the daytime should be enough for the baby to regain energy. If the daytime nap totals in 3 hours and nighttime nap 11.5 hours, this schedule should be good for the babies.
For a 7 to 9 months old, the amount of formula can be 180 ml to 230 ml per feeding, about 4 to 5 times a day. Breastfeeding will be on demand and before any other food is given to the baby. After waking up (preferably at 7 am) babies can be breastfed or bottle-fed. After one hour or so, babies can be offered homemade baby food or “meltable crunchy” foods, such as-biter biscuits. There should be a 4 hours gap between breakfast and lunch. Most babies will start to have water during their meal.
Schedule of sleeping and feeding for 10-12 months:
During these months most babies still sleep for around 14 hours a day. But by this time most of the babies form a sleeping pattern. During the day-time you will see them napping which usually last 1-2 hours. Some babies sleep longer. Most babies are ready for bed between 6 pm and 10 pm. They take less than 30 minutes to get to sleep. Many babies wake during the night and need an adult to help them back to sleep.
As for the feeding schedule, after your baby wakes up, you can go for breast milk or formula. Right after 2 hours, you can give breakfast followed by a 1 hour morning nap (usually). After the 1 hour nap, breastmilk or formula snack can be given as well. Right after 2 hours, the lunch should be served to the baby. Afterwards, the early afternoon nap can be followed by formula plus snack along with breastfeeding. With 2 hours of gap, the baby should be given dinner and maintaining a separate duration, the baby can go for sleep. In this way, the baby will get enough time for the digestion of food.
- https://www.parents.com/baby/sleep/basics/understanding-baby-sleep-7-12-months/?slide=slide_f507baca-330a-4a0d-8105-185409861730#slide_f507baca-330a-4a0d-8105-185409861730
- https://www.parents.com/baby/sleep/schedule/the-best-schedule-for-your-baby/
- https://www.parents.com/baby/sleep/tips/
- https://www.happyfamilyorganics.com/learning-center/baby/sleep-patterns-for-a-baby-ages-4-12-months/
- https://www.pregnancybirthbaby.org.au/sleep-patterns-for-babies
- https://flo.health/being-a-mom/your-baby/7-month-sleep-schedule
- https://www.babysleepsite.com/baby-sleep-patterns/baby-sleep-patterns-birth-to-12-months/
- https://www.babysleepsite.com/schedules/7-month-old-baby-schedule/
- https://www.nestedbean.com/pages/baby-and-newborn-sleep-schedules-patterns/#6-10months
- https://www.nestedbean.com/pages/baby-and-newborn-sleep-schedules-patterns
- https://www.babysleepsite.com/schedules/7-month-old-baby-schedule/
- https://www.babysleepsite.com/schedules/8-month-old-baby-schedule/
- https://www.babysleepsite.com/schedules/9-month-old-baby-schedule/
- https://yourkidstable.com/feeding-schedule-for-6-and-7-month-olds/
- https://www.babycenter.com/0_sample-baby-schedules-for-11-and-12-month-olds_3657182.bc