Checklist to follow when travelling with baby
Travelling with a newborn is not something most parents feel comfortable with. Especially since travelling with your baby may have an impact on their health, sleep, and most importantly, may hamper their regular routine. So most parents are extra cautious before travelling with their baby. However, if you follow some tips and take the necessary things, traveling may be quite a pleasant experience for you and your baby.
Before travelling what you need first is the permission of your physician. Consult your physician first on whether your baby is physically fit for the journey. If you get a green light, you can plan the journey and formalities accordingly. You can take the following things with you while traveling:
When you bring your baby to your doctor for a checkup before the journey, your doctor would advise which ear drop is suitable for your baby’s ear. You will need this before travelling by air. Generally while taking off and when the air pressure increases in the ear and your baby may feel severe pain in his/her ears. So doctors may advise ear drops in the prescription. Keep the drop near your hand so that you can use it before entering and leaving the plane. You can use a pacifier also to keep your child busy.
One of the most important things to carry in the journey is diapers. If you have to spend a long time travelling, don’t forget to take sufficient diapers, diaper wipes and diaper rash cream. Keep in mind that the journey may get delayed a bit.
Cotton clothes and towels
Carry extra sets of soft cotton clothes in your handbag for your baby. You should take full sleeves clothes with you. Sometimes your child may get cold due to the AC in the plane. So cover him/her with a towel or small blanket if necessary. If your child is used to breastfeeding then you can carry extra towels to cover him/her while breastfeeding.
Small toys
Children may get restless during a long journey. So keep your baby’s favorite toys beside him/her. Also, carry any picture books that your baby may be fond of. So he/she will be preoccupied with the toys the whole time or may have sleep.
Necessary foods for your baby
If your baby is used to breastfeeding then you don’t have to take formula milk for him/her. But if your baby takes formula milk then take extra milk, feeder, and hot water. There is permission to carry foods, water, juice, nuts, candies, etc. for babies under two years in the plane. Before taking these foods, those will be checked in the immigration.